Author Info

Author Info

Keshav Jha has worked as a teacher at multiple Australian Colleges and Universities. A teacher, technologist, and researcher by training, Keshav is also a contributing writer to leading Australian business magazines, a business owner and an avid yoga, meditation, and NLP practitioner.

He is a passionate learner, researcher and curious person by nature, and holds qualifications in hospitality management, information technology, sustainability, finance and mortgage broking, real-estate and property management. He has received numerous educational, entrepreneurial and sustainability awards.

Keshav was fortunate to escape death in Nov 2011 when he drowned in a community swimming pool on a sunny Sunday afternoon, whilst enjoying cool water splashes with his daughter. Luckily, he was rescued by an off-duty police officer attending a family barbeque next to the pool, separated by a fence. Instant Channel 7 media personality – for two minutes! Thankful for this second chance to live and enjoy seeing his two daughters grow up, Keshav is committed to living a life of gratitude and is determined to help people live more inspiring, purposeful and productive lives.

Keshav believes that we can all attain inner peace and happiness by concentrating on the universal core values of love, spirituality, respect for others, and honesty. Through customised group and one-to-one mentoring programs, he has guided multiple individuals and couples toward achieving their life goals.

By practising his simplified rubric, readers will acquire the skills, knowledge, strategies and tools to become more authentic, passionate, empowered and fulfilled individuals; lovable, dependable and true to self.  

Keshav considers that “every picture is worth 1000 words”, and writes books with minimal text and more pictorial content  in order to maximise learning and engage readers through visual appeal. Less than 10% of people who buy a book read past the first chapter, resulting in the book becoming an aid to “shelf-help” rather than “self-help”. Keshav’s beautiful illustrations will ensure his book is read completely, and treasured as a keepsake. 

He lives in Sydney, Australia with his wife and two daughters.